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Sheep not horses at the root of Eurasian Pastoralism?

The economic basis of steppe pastoralists has traditionally been tied to horses. The earliest known domesticated horses were found in Kazakhstan (ca. 3500 BC), but the evidence from Begash suggests that when eastern steppe populations started to be more mobile and engage in herding as their primary economic strategy, it was sheep and goats that formed the main basis of their economy.

Основой восточноевразийского кочевничества были вовсе не лошади а овцы. Несмотря на одомашнивание лошади около 3500 до нэ.

The earring was made of bronze in a funnel or bell shape, with a hook on the upper part. The only known comparison of this type of earring is known from late Bronze Age burials located nearly 1000km to the north, in the forest-steppe zone of Siberia (sometimes known as the Elovskaya culture). However, preliminary dating of this burial suggests that it dates to around 1700 BC, 500 years earlier than the analogous materials in Siberia (at least according to the traditional chronology).

Серьги схожей формы найдены также в таёжно-степной зоне Сибири (Еловская культура), но на 500 лет позже.

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